EN XII CHANTS. Texte provençat et traduction française.
Le Poème du Rhône
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En lengua occitana
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A quiet renaissance has been unfolding in certain parts of Europe – a renaissance of literature written in minority languages. In this book, William Calin explores the renaissance through an examination of twentieth-century works in Scots, Breton, and Occitan minority languages flourishing inside the borders of the United Kingdom and France.
For each of the three bodies of literature Calin considers major authors whose works include novels, poetry and plays, and shows that all three literatures have evolved in a like manner, repudiating their romantic folk heritage and turning instead to modern and postmodern concerns. Drawing on current critical theories in periodization, postcolonialism and cultural studies, Calin raises a range of comparative questions: Is there a common form of narrative prevalent in minority cultures that is neither realism nor metafiction? Is the minority-language theatre limited to plots treating past history and the rural present? What is the relationship between the minority literature and literature in the national language? What kind of history should be written on the literatures of Scotland, Brittany and the South of France, manifest in their several languages?
Calin’s pioneering study is the first comparative scrutiny of these minority literatures and the first to bring all three together into the mainstream of present-day criticism. His work demonstrates the intrinsic importance in their twentieth-century renewal, as well as their contribution to global culture, in both aesthetic and broadly human terms.
Joseph Anglade siguec professor ena Universitat de Tolosa.
L’idée du présent travail date de plus de vingt-cinq ans..
This major reference work is the fourth volume in the series “Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages”. Its intention is to update the French and Occitan chapters in R.S. Loomis’ “Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: A Collaborative History” (Oxford, 1959) and to provide a volume which will serve the needs of students and scholars of Arthurian literature. The principal focus is the production, dissemination and evolution of Arthurian material in French and Occitan from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. Beginning with a substantial overview of Arthurian manuscripts, the volume covers writing in both verse (Wace, the Tristan legend, Chretien de Troyes and the Grail Continuations, Marie de France and the anonymous lays, the lesser known romances) and prose (the Vulgate Cycle, the prose Tristan, the Post-Vulgate Roman du Graal, etc.).
Like Old French, from the 9th to the 13th century, Old Occitan preserved the two-case system of Vulgar Latin, subjective and objective, and it seems that until the middle of the 12th century, the written and spoken languages were identical. Then, the distinction between the cases disappeared in spoken usage, though they still persisted in the written texts of the Trobadors. This period can be qualified as the Golden Age or the time of the Trobadors.
A second period ranges from the beginning of the 14th century to the middle of the 16th. It is characterized by the dropping altogether of the flexions in witten texts, by the beginning of dialectization, the dropping of courteous vocabulary and the use of learned words borrowed from Latin and Greek to express law, medecine, philosophy and theology. Occitan was no longer a literary language, but it was used to write the deeds, the accounts, the chronicles and the resolutions of local communities. Since the second half of the 16th century to our days, Occitan was banned from written documents, and reduced to oral usage only, mainly by country and working people, in their everyday life, at work or at home.
This dissertation compares the works of select troubadours with three mystical tracts in order to present the similarities found in these two literary traditions. Mystical writings have a far longer history reaching into antiquity and continuing until the present day. The traces in the manuscript traditions situate in the late eleventh century a new poetic form in Occitan with a focus on earthly love. The love as it is described in the songs of the composers who write or sing about it comes to be called bon amors or fin’ amors, the term we use today to name the love of the troubadour tradition. The period of lyrical production in Occitan by troubadours speaking of fin’ amors does not endure more than three centuries if we begin our count with Guilhem IX (1071-1126) and close with the poet so often called the last of the troubadours, Guiraut Riquier (1254-1292). These two traditions of love literature are thus distinguished by the nature of their literary histories and also by the loves they describe. Despite this, the shape of the loves they discuss as well as the language used to speak about love are not so different.
La Vall d’Aran està separada políticament dels països occitans veïns des de fa segles, i en certa manera això ha estat definitiu d’ençà de la concessió als aranesos dels privilegis inclosos a Era Querimònia l’any 1313, després que aquell país gascó decidís d’adscriure’s a la Corona d’Aragó i passar a formar part del Principat de Catalunya en unes condicions certament particulars que no té cap altra zona del ter- ritori. Només algunes invasions episòdiques del Regne o de la República de França en els segles posteriors (vegeu Lladonosa, 2001) han fet que aquella vall gascona, durant alguns períodes breus, no hagi estat diferent de les altres valls occitanes veïnes des d’un punt de vista polític.
De fet, la diferència en l’adscripció estatal respecte a les zones occitanes imme- diates ha condicionat enormement la visió que els lingüistes i altres estudiosos han tingut tradicionalment de l’aranès, segurament oblidant que la Vall d’Aran, tot i de- pendre políticament de successius estats ibèrics, ha continuat mantenint unes inten- ses relacions humanes amb els territoris veïns que també parlen occità, unes relacions segurament més intenses que no pas les que també ha mantingut amb els territoris catalans immediats (que no han estat, ni de bon tros, inexistents). No oblidem que la Vall d’Aran es troba al nord de l’eix pirinenc, orientada cap a l’Atlàntic, l’oceà on va a parar el riu Garona, que viatja fins a Tolosa o Bordeus i que és precisament la columna vertebral d’aquell petit país pirinenc, al costat del qual s’arrengleren la major part de poblacions araneses. En aquest petit treball pretenem fer una breu aproximació a la dialectologia aranesa tenint en compte tot això que acabem d’assenyalar. Prescindint de prejudicis estatals i d’apriorismes. Deixant de banda visions contaminades per les adscripcions administratives, sovint sobrevalorades. La nostra intenció és de demostrar, sobretot mitjançant un catàleg de fets lingüístics, que la diversitat dialectal de l’aranès potser no es pot deslligar de les relacions —o la intensitat d’aquestes mateixes relacions— que les diferents zones de la Vall d’Aran han tingut amb els diferents països occitans veïns, i que en la geolingüística aranesa tenen un paper ca- pital les afinitats amb els parlars immediats del Comenge i del Coserans, els dos territoris gascons immediats. Com veurem, l’occità parlat en algunes poblacions de la Vall d’Aran fins i tot pot presentar més afinitats —almenys tradicionalment— amb el gascó que hi ha en localitats administrativament franceses que no pas amb el que s’usa en localitats situades a la mateixa Vall d’Aran. La frontera, la teòrica frontera definitivament instal·lada al segle xiv, ha estat realment mai un obstacle per a la co- municació entre els occitans d’un costat i de l’altre de la línia administrativa? Ha suposat una barrera per a la difusió de certes solucions fonètiques, morfosintàctiques o lexicals? Des del punt de vista lingüístic, ja veurem que la resposta és categòrica.
Some of medieval culture’s most arresting images and stories inextricably associate love and death. Thus the troubadour Jaufre Rudel dies in the arms of the countess of Tripoli, having loved her from afar without ever having seen her. Or in Marie de France’s Chevrefoil, Tristan and Iseult’s fatal love is hauntingly symbolized by the fatally entwined honeysuckle and hazel. And who could forget the ethereal spectacle of the Damoisele of Escalot’s body carried to Camelot on a supernatural funerary boat with a letter on her breast explaining how her unrequited love for Lancelot killed her? Medieval literature is fascinated with the idea that love may be a fatal affliction. Indeed, it is frequently suggested that true love requires sacrifice, that you must be ready to die for, from, and in love. Love, in other words, is represented, sometimes explicitly, as a form of martyrdom, a notion that is repeatedly reinforced by courtly literature’s borrowing of religious vocabulary and imagery. The paradigm of the martyr to love has of course remained compelling in the early modern and modern period.
This book seeks to explore what is at stake in medieval literature’s preoccupation with love’s martyrdom. Informed by modern theoretical approaches, particularly Lacanian psychoanalysis and Jacques Derrida’s work on ethics, it offers new readings of a wide range of French and Occitan courtly texts from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and argues that a new secular ethics of desire emerges from courtly literature because of its fascination with death. This book also examines the interplay between lyric and romance in courtly literary culture and shows how courtly literature’s predilection for sacrificial desire imposes a repressive sex-gender system that may then be subverted by fictional women and queers who either fail to die on cue, or who die in troublesome and disruptive ways.
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