EN XII CHANTS. Texte provençat et traduction française.
Le Poème du Rhône
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En lengua occitana
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The medieval troubadours of the South of France profoundly influenced European literature for many centuries. This book is the first full-length study of the first-person subject position adopted by many of them in its relation to language and society. Using modern theoretical approaches, Sarah Kay discusses to what extent this first person is a “self” or “character,” and how far it is self-determining. Kay draws on a wide range of troubadour texts, providing many close readings and translating all medieval quotations into English. Her book will be of interest both to scholars of medieval literature, and to anyone investigating subjectivity in lyric poetry.
A quiet renaissance has been unfolding in certain parts of Europe – a renaissance of literature written in minority languages. In this book, William Calin explores the renaissance through an examination of twentieth-century works in Scots, Breton, and Occitan minority languages flourishing inside the borders of the United Kingdom and France.
For each of the three bodies of literature Calin considers major authors whose works include novels, poetry and plays, and shows that all three literatures have evolved in a like manner, repudiating their romantic folk heritage and turning instead to modern and postmodern concerns. Drawing on current critical theories in periodization, postcolonialism and cultural studies, Calin raises a range of comparative questions: Is there a common form of narrative prevalent in minority cultures that is neither realism nor metafiction? Is the minority-language theatre limited to plots treating past history and the rural present? What is the relationship between the minority literature and literature in the national language? What kind of history should be written on the literatures of Scotland, Brittany and the South of France, manifest in their several languages?
Calin’s pioneering study is the first comparative scrutiny of these minority literatures and the first to bring all three together into the mainstream of present-day criticism. His work demonstrates the intrinsic importance in their twentieth-century renewal, as well as their contribution to global culture, in both aesthetic and broadly human terms.
Orthographe et prononciation, Grammaire et syntaxe, Lexique A à ZHéritière du latin, la langue d’oc s’est formée dans la continuité de la désagrégation de l’empire romain. On fixe généralement le XI ème siècle comme la période achevant définitivement la formation de la langue nouvelle. Dès ses origines, comme pour les autres langues latines, la langue d’oc présentait des variations régionales, dont les grands dialectes actuelles sont les continuateurs.
Le mot occitan, ancien mais quasiment inusité pendant longtemps, est aujourd’hui admis pour désigner l’ensemble des parlers prolongateurs de l’ancienne langue d’oc. Il remplace vantageusement le terme provençal autrefois utilisé avec le même sens.
Il est de nos jours couramment admis de classer les parlers occitans en six dialectes: le limousin, le gascon, l’auvergnat, le languedocien, le vivaro-alpin et le provençal. Cette classification, basée sur des critères uniquement linguistiques, ne recouvrent toutefois pas la délimitation des provinces de même nom. Au sein de l’Occitanie, le vivaro-alpin lui-même souffre d’un défaut d’identification sociale claire, et il est souvent désigné sous les noms de ‘dauphinois’, ‘nord-provençal’, ‘gavot’, ‘provençal-alpin’.
This major reference work is the fourth volume in the series “Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages”. Its intention is to update the French and Occitan chapters in R.S. Loomis’ “Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: A Collaborative History” (Oxford, 1959) and to provide a volume which will serve the needs of students and scholars of Arthurian literature. The principal focus is the production, dissemination and evolution of Arthurian material in French and Occitan from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. Beginning with a substantial overview of Arthurian manuscripts, the volume covers writing in both verse (Wace, the Tristan legend, Chretien de Troyes and the Grail Continuations, Marie de France and the anonymous lays, the lesser known romances) and prose (the Vulgate Cycle, the prose Tristan, the Post-Vulgate Roman du Graal, etc.).
De A autant d’argent que de pesolhs à Virar coma un baciu fagord, ce sont plus de 1000 expressions et dictons occitans, enracinés au plus profond de notre quotidien, qui sont réunis et expliqués dans cet ouvrage. A leur source, l’observation et l’imagination pour les unes : Aimable coma una mosca d’ase ; Aver d’argent coma un chin de nièras ; Aver un cuol coma un amolaire ; Cargat coma un muol; Curios coma un pet ; Dormir coma una missara. la musicalité et la rime qui facilitent la mémorisation pour les autres : Al mes d’abriu, Io cocut canta, mort o viu ; Auba roja, vent o ploja ; Cada topin troba sa cabucèla ; Es lo matin que la jornada se pèrd o se ganha ; Grèc, pluèja al bec ; La raça raceja. Tous ont été choisis par l’auteur à partir d’enquêtes et de lectures personnelles.
This dissertation compares the works of select troubadours with three mystical tracts in order to present the similarities found in these two literary traditions. Mystical writings have a far longer history reaching into antiquity and continuing until the present day. The traces in the manuscript traditions situate in the late eleventh century a new poetic form in Occitan with a focus on earthly love. The love as it is described in the songs of the composers who write or sing about it comes to be called bon amors or fin’ amors, the term we use today to name the love of the troubadour tradition. The period of lyrical production in Occitan by troubadours speaking of fin’ amors does not endure more than three centuries if we begin our count with Guilhem IX (1071-1126) and close with the poet so often called the last of the troubadours, Guiraut Riquier (1254-1292). These two traditions of love literature are thus distinguished by the nature of their literary histories and also by the loves they describe. Despite this, the shape of the loves they discuss as well as the language used to speak about love are not so different.
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