Un libre ena The Katherin Golden Bittung Collection on Gastronomy.
Le Cuisinier gascon (1740)
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Un libre ena The Katherin Golden Bittung Collection on Gastronomy.
Category: | Estudis e monografics |
Tags: | codina, especializacion, gascon, istòria, monografics, occitan |
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Pes libres en format papèr
En lengua occitana
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Joseph Anglade siguec professor ena Universitat de Tolosa.
L’idée du présent travail date de plus de vingt-cinq ans..
The chansonnier Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, f. fr. 22543 (known as “R”) has been recognized for over 200 years as a precious repository of the literature of the medieval troubadours of southern France. It transmits almost 950 lyric poems and 160 melodies, along with many other important writings in the Occitan language, many of which are unica.
The paleography, decoration, and dialect of the manuscript are described thoroughly, and their distinctive features are seen to support the hypothesis that R was compiled in northern Languedoc or western Provence around 1300. While most of the texts of R were copied by one scribe, the relatively few melodies it contains were probably notated by at least four different copyists. Over eighty percent of the poems were never supplied with their melodies, even though musical staves were provided; these staves were left empty. The notation is in the style of the so-called Notre Dame school of Paris, and the rhythms of the notes are not apparent, although a few seem to be in rudimentary mensural notation.
The manuscript contains some works of the troubadours of the early twelfth century, and also a large number of works by late thirteenth-century poets. By examining internal paleographical data and making comparisons with other extant codices, it is possible to offer suggestions on the nature of the exemplars of this heterogeneous collection. The problems of determining how the texts and melodies were transmitted are investigated, including the issues of oral transmission, the lack of extant autographs, the disparity in the origins of the surviving manuscripts, and the variant attributions. The musical transmission is especially problematic, since only three other sources containing music survive. The forty-five concordances that R shares with these other codices are discussed.
A review of the modern history of the manuscript shows that the earliest known owner was the Marquise d’Urfe of the early eighteenth century. The commonly accepted belief that R was in the library of her ancestor the poet Honore d’Urfe in the seventeenth century is found to be unsupported by the available evidence.
De A autant d’argent que de pesolhs à Virar coma un baciu fagord, ce sont plus de 1000 expressions et dictons occitans, enracinés au plus profond de notre quotidien, qui sont réunis et expliqués dans cet ouvrage. A leur source, l’observation et l’imagination pour les unes : Aimable coma una mosca d’ase ; Aver d’argent coma un chin de nièras ; Aver un cuol coma un amolaire ; Cargat coma un muol; Curios coma un pet ; Dormir coma una missara. la musicalité et la rime qui facilitent la mémorisation pour les autres : Al mes d’abriu, Io cocut canta, mort o viu ; Auba roja, vent o ploja ; Cada topin troba sa cabucèla ; Es lo matin que la jornada se pèrd o se ganha ; Grèc, pluèja al bec ; La raça raceja. Tous ont été choisis par l’auteur à partir d’enquêtes et de lectures personnelles.
The poetry of the troubadours was famous throughout the middle ages, but the difficulty and diversity of the original languages have been obstacles to its appreciation by a wider audience. This collection aims to redress the situation, presenting English verse translations in contemporary idiom and a highly readable form. It includes some 125 poems, with a strong representation of those composed by women, and goes beyond traditional limits in time to feature a sampling of the earliest texts in the Occitan language, written in the tenth and eleventh centuries, and later works from the early fourteenth. Though most poems translated in the book were written in Occitan, the vernacular of southern France, there are also a few translations of poems written in the same place and time but in other languages, including Latin, Hebrew, Norse, Catalan, and Italian. Genres include love songs, satires, invectives, pastourelles, debates, laments, and religious songs. A comprehensive introduction places the troubadours in their historical context and traces the development of their art; headnotes introduce each poet, and the book ends with a bibliography and suggestions for further reading.
El Valle de Arán, tan caracterizado geográficamente por sus verdes praderas, sus tupidos bosques, sus arriscadas cimas, tiene también un habla que lo define: el aranés, que, como se nos dice en la introducción de este libro, no es propiamente un dialecto catalán, sino que está emparentado con el gascón, que se conserva todavía vivo entre las gentes del pueblo de los lugares del sur de Francia, que constituyen las históricas tierras de la Gascuña.
Casimiro Ademá, el autor de este estudio, aparte de poseer unos conocimientos poco comunes en la materia –aún no siendo un especialista en filología–, nos da de este fenómeno lingüístico un testimonio vivo y directo adquirido esencialmente en las conversaciones y convivencia con las gentes de su tierra.
An edition and translation of some 30 poems by the trobairditz, a remarkable group of women poets from the 12th and 13th centuries, who composed in the style and language of the troubadours.
En 1944, Manuel Abizanda e Broto deth Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional publique era transcripcion e studi d’un manscrit titolat Índice Privilegios. Abizanda conde que dit manuscrit siguec amagat tà liurar-le deth perilh des “hodas rojas y marxistas” pendent era epòca Republicana e Guèrra Civila.
En 1938, un còp liberada era Val d’Aran pes nacionaus, er avocat Jaume Sala entreguèc dit manuscrit ath Servicio. Abizanda qu’ère agent d’aguest servici hec er estudi comentat adès.
En sòn trabalh ditz qu’un còp estudiat, eth manuscrit serà restituït entar Archiu Notariau, mès non especifique s’ei er archiu notariau deth districte de Vielha o parle d’un aute districte. Actuaument se desconeish a on se trape dit manuscrit e sonque auem notícies d’eth pera publicacion de 1944.
Pera descripcion hèta per Abizanda sabem qu’et manuscrit cònste de 50 fuelhs escrits e 40 fuelhs en blanc. Ei enquadernat en pergamin e mesure 14x10cm.
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