Ua publicacion dera Librairie Honoré Champion, publicat en 1967.
Les chansons de Guillaume IX duc d’Aquitaine (1071-1127)
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Ua publicacion dera Librairie Honoré Champion, publicat en 1967.
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Per toti es publicacions
Pes libres en format papèr
En lengua occitana
Tòn equipa ath tòn servici
En 1944, Manuel Abizanda e Broto deth Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional publique era transcripcion e studi d’un manscrit titolat Índice Privilegios. Abizanda conde que dit manuscrit siguec amagat tà liurar-le deth perilh des “hodas rojas y marxistas” pendent era epòca Republicana e Guèrra Civila.
En 1938, un còp liberada era Val d’Aran pes nacionaus, er avocat Jaume Sala entreguèc dit manuscrit ath Servicio. Abizanda qu’ère agent d’aguest servici hec er estudi comentat adès.
En sòn trabalh ditz qu’un còp estudiat, eth manuscrit serà restituït entar Archiu Notariau, mès non especifique s’ei er archiu notariau deth districte de Vielha o parle d’un aute districte. Actuaument se desconeish a on se trape dit manuscrit e sonque auem notícies d’eth pera publicacion de 1944.
Pera descripcion hèta per Abizanda sabem qu’et manuscrit cònste de 50 fuelhs escrits e 40 fuelhs en blanc. Ei enquadernat en pergamin e mesure 14x10cm.
This book offers a general introduction to the world of the troubadours. Its sixteen chapters, newly commissioned from leading scholars in Britain, the United States, France, Italy and Spain, trace the development of troubadour song (including music), engage with the main trends in troubadour scholarship, and examine the reception of troubadour poetry in manuscripts and in Northern French romance. A series of appendices offer an invaluable guide to more than fifty troubadours, to technical vocabulary, to research tools and to surviving manuscripts.
Es nòms que designes es lòcs d’un territòri an ua foncion tecnica e culturau ath madesih temps. Tecnica perqué les referéncien geograficament, e culturau perqué veïculen ifnromacion sus era cultura, era lengua o es costums d’aqueri que les meteren eth nòm. En aguest sens, era toponímia aranesa ei un patrimòni collectiu que cau sauvagardar com a par der auviatge lingüistic e culturau dera Val d’Aran.
It was out of medieval Provence – Proensa – that the ethos of courtly love emerged, and it was in the poetry of the Provençal troubadours that it found its perfect expression. Their poetry was also a central inspiration for Dante and his Italian contemporaries, propagators of the modern vernacular lyric, and seven centuries later it was no less important to the modernist Ezra Pound. These poems, a source to which poetry has returned again and again in search of renewal, are subtle, startling, earthy, erotic, and supremely musical.
The poet Paul Blackburn studied and translated the troubadours for twenty years, and the result of that long commitment is ‘Proensa’, an anthology of thirty poets of the eleventh through thirteenth centuries, which has since established itself not only as a powerful and faithful work of translation but as a work of poetry in its own right. Blackburn’s ‘Proensa’, George Economou writes, “will take its place among Gavin Douglas’ ‘Aeneid’, Golding’s ‘Metamorphoses’, the Homer of Chapman, Pope, and Lattimore, Waley’s Japanese, and Pound’s Chinese, Italian, and Old English.”
Aran ath long dera sua millenària existéncia a anat configurant ua simbologia pròpia, uns senhaus d’identitat, ua istòria e un patrimòni d’identificacion collectiua.
Auem er escut qu’ei reflèxe e expression dea nòsta istòria. Sintèssis de toti es elements: Lengua, Istòria, Art, Territòri e Volentat collectiua; Diuersitat e convivéncia. Er escut sintetise toti aguesti element d’arraötz popular e eth pòble les identifique coma pròpis.
Angel Claveria a sabut articular tot eth contengut simbolic en aguestes quate planes, Mos cau emplegar e mantier es simbèus entà permanéisher coma pòble.
Some of medieval culture’s most arresting images and stories inextricably associate love and death. Thus the troubadour Jaufre Rudel dies in the arms of the countess of Tripoli, having loved her from afar without ever having seen her. Or in Marie de France’s Chevrefoil, Tristan and Iseult’s fatal love is hauntingly symbolized by the fatally entwined honeysuckle and hazel. And who could forget the ethereal spectacle of the Damoisele of Escalot’s body carried to Camelot on a supernatural funerary boat with a letter on her breast explaining how her unrequited love for Lancelot killed her? Medieval literature is fascinated with the idea that love may be a fatal affliction. Indeed, it is frequently suggested that true love requires sacrifice, that you must be ready to die for, from, and in love. Love, in other words, is represented, sometimes explicitly, as a form of martyrdom, a notion that is repeatedly reinforced by courtly literature’s borrowing of religious vocabulary and imagery. The paradigm of the martyr to love has of course remained compelling in the early modern and modern period.
This book seeks to explore what is at stake in medieval literature’s preoccupation with love’s martyrdom. Informed by modern theoretical approaches, particularly Lacanian psychoanalysis and Jacques Derrida’s work on ethics, it offers new readings of a wide range of French and Occitan courtly texts from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and argues that a new secular ethics of desire emerges from courtly literature because of its fascination with death. This book also examines the interplay between lyric and romance in courtly literary culture and shows how courtly literature’s predilection for sacrificial desire imposes a repressive sex-gender system that may then be subverted by fictional women and queers who either fail to die on cue, or who die in troublesome and disruptive ways.
El Valle de Arán, tan caracterizado geográficamente por sus verdes praderas, sus tupidos bosques, sus arriscadas cimas, tiene también un habla que lo define: el aranés, que, como se nos dice en la introducción de este libro, no es propiamente un dialecto catalán, sino que está emparentado con el gascón, que se conserva todavía vivo entre las gentes del pueblo de los lugares del sur de Francia, que constituyen las históricas tierras de la Gascuña.
Casimiro Ademá, el autor de este estudio, aparte de poseer unos conocimientos poco comunes en la materia –aún no siendo un especialista en filología–, nos da de este fenómeno lingüístico un testimonio vivo y directo adquirido esencialmente en las conversaciones y convivencia con las gentes de su tierra.
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